(a)   Front Foot Assessment Charge. The following sanitary sewer assessment charges are hereby established for all connections to new City sewer mains, eight inches in diameter or larger based upon the size of service laterals to, lineal front footage of and available building on the property to be served:
Service Lateral Size (Diameter in Inches)
Lineal Front Foot Charge
6 or less
$   11.70
   The above charges for front footage shall not be imposed if the property owner can show that he or his predecessor in title paid for or is paying for a special assessment for the construction of any sewer mains which provide service to his property or at his own expense constructed any sewer mains which provide service to his property. Likewise, the above charges for front footage shall not be imposed unless and until the property owner's property is developed by the tapping of a main sewer line which shall provide sewer service to the owner's property. The term “owner's property” means all contiguous real property owned by the same owner at the time of such tap whether in one parcel, tract or lot or several separate parcels, tracts or lots.
   The total front foot charge shall be due and payable in cash within ninety days from the date of connection to the sewer system or, if not paid within that time, shall be certified. to the County Auditor to be collected with real estate taxes during a period of ten years, during which time the amount of the charge shall bear interest at the rate paid by the City upon its indebtedness for such sewer.
   If a property reaches forty-five percent development in accordance with applicable provisions of Part Twelve - Planning and Zoning Code of the Codified Ordinances, prior to the expiration of such ten- year period, the full front foot charge shall be due, whenever following such time a connection permit is approved for such property.
   Front foot charge is based on one-half of the cost of the sewer main. For properties located on both sides of the right of way or sewer main, the costs are double that indicated subject to both sides being subdivided and connections made from both sides.
   (b)   Building Square Foot Assessment Charge. An additional assessment in each service area is established based on a square foot of building floor space areas as follows:
CHARGE/1000 FT. 2
CHARGE/1000 FT. 2
One and Two Family Residence District
$ 90.00
Multi-Family Residence District
Neighborhood District
Downtown Business District
General Business District
Light Manufacturing District
General Manufacturing District
   Minimum additional assessment shall be the charge for 1,000 square feet building floor space area.
   Square foot charge payment is due at the time the sewer connection is approved.
   The charge per square foot shall vary by zoning, i. e. , should the zoning requirements change in the service area the cost per 1,000 square feet shall also be modified. In addition, should additional mains be constructed within the service area, the difference in cost for construction of the larger main less the cost for installation of an eight-inch main shall also be used to modify the cost per 1,000 square feet charge.
   All such eight-inch or larger mains so installed shall be constructed in accordance with specifications, rules and regulations of the City. Upon installation and approval by the City, such mains shall become the property of the City.
   Governmental bodies, public schools and churches shall be assessed only at the lineal front foot rate specified in subsection (a) hereof.
(Ord. 2150. Passed 4-24-78.)