The Planning Commission shall consist of five (5) residents of the City appointed by Council who shall serve without compensation. Council may also appoint ex-officio, non-voting members by ordinance. A member of the Planning Commission serving on January 1, 1978, may complete the term of his or her original appointment, but in the event of the death or resignation of such member, Council shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired portion of the terms of that member. Subsequent appointments shall be for a term of five (5) years and the expiration of the terms shall be on a one-year staggered interval basis.
   The Planning Commission will have all the rights and powers granted to it by the laws of Ohio or ordinances of the City or this Charter.
   The Planning Commission shall adopt such rules and requirements for plats and the laying out of allotments as is deemed necessary and advisable, subject to Council approval. Such rules and requirements shall be placed on file in printed or typewritten form in the office of the Director of Public Service.
   The Planning Commission may control, appoint, or employ such architects, engineers or other professional service and may appoint such clerks, draftsmen or other subordinates as are necessary for the performance of its function. The expenditures for such service and employments shall be within the amounts appropriated for such persons by the legislative authority of the municipal corporation and such legislative authority shall provide for the expenses and accommodations necessary for the work of the Commission (Amended 11-3-2015).