Council shall provide for the appointment of the City Manager not later than September 1, 1976 and the City Manager shall take office and commence his or her duties January 1, 1977. The Director of Finance, the Director of Law and all persons holding administrative office as of December 31, 1976 shall, except as otherwise provided in this Charter, continue in office thereafter at the pleasure of the Manager and from and after such date shall exercise their power and perform their duties in accordance with the provisions of the Council/Manager Government.
   Council shall, at its first regular meeting subsequent to January 1, 1977, elect from among its members a Mayor in accordance with Section 5.07 of this Charter.
   Except as otherwise provided in any ordinance or resolution hereafter adopted, the Manager shall exercise all of the powers and duties of the Mayor as provided for in any ordinance or resolution of the City enacted prior to the adoption of this section. (Amended 11-4-75.)