(a) Lawn Areas. Lawn areas must be planted in species of grass normally grown as permanent lawns in northeast Ohio. Grass may be sodded or seeded and mulched, except that turf reinforced mats must be used in swales or other areas subject to erosion. Sod or seed must be clean, free of weeds and noxious pests or disease.
(b) Recommended Species of Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials. The plant palette should emphasize native trees, shrubs, and perennials which are hardy to the northeast Ohio region. For recommended trees refer to Chapter 169 of the KCO. For shrubs, see following table. The City may permit other species that are not listed in the table.
Recommended Plant Type and Minimum Size.
Recommended Plant Type and Minimum Size
Common Name
Deciduous Shrubs (3 feet minimum height)
Dogwood, Euonymus, Forsythia, Hazelnut, Honeysuckle, Hydrangea, Lilac, Mock-Orange, Ninebark, Privet, Spiraea, Sumac, and Viburnum
Evergreen Shrubs (30 inches minimum height)
Holly, Juniper, and Yew
Spreading Shrubs (18 inches minimum height)
Cotoneaster and Creeping Juniper
Perennial Flowers/Groundcover
Black-Eyed Susan, Creeping Juniper, Creeping Phlox, Daylily, Fragrant Sumac, Ornamental Grass, Periwinkle, and Purple Coneflower
(d) Minimum Requirements for Plant Material.
(1) All plant material must conform to the most recent version of ANSI Z60.1 standards. Plant materials must be typical of their species or variety, have normal habitat of growth, well-branched and densely foliated when in leaf.
(2) Plant materials must be chosen according to soil, climatic conditions and environmental factors for the proposed development, the location of the installation, and its desired function.
(3) Artificial plants are prohibited from satisfying landscape requirements.
(Ord. 2021-057. Passed 6-16-21.)