There is hereby established the following uniform schedule of rates for the services and use of facilities of the Storm Water Management System by the owner, tenant, or occupant of the premises using the services and facilities of said system:
   (a)    The City Council, upon recommendation of the City Manager, shall, by ordinance establish reasonable rates for Storm Water Management Systems for each single family residence; each single family residence shall be billed at a flat fee established by the City Council for an Equivalent Residential Unit. An Equivalent Residential Unit is hereby defined as the statistical average horizontal impervious area of all residential units in the City of Kent.
    (b)    For all residential and nonresidential properties, that is enterprise, business establishment, building, or other occupancy not covered by subsections (a) and (b) of this section, the rate shall be computed based on the total impervious area of the property divided by the average impervious area of an Equivalent Residential Unit times the rate established for an equivalent residential unit. The billing amount shall be updated by the Deputy Service Director/Superintendent of Engineering based on any additions to the impervious areas as approved through the building permit process.
            (Ord. 2017-17. Passed 3-15-17.)