(a)    Storm Sewer Connection Permits. Storm sewer connection permits shall be taken out in each special case in the name of the owner, agent or person in whose interest the work is to be done as provided in subsection (c) hereof, before any work is commenced, and in no case shall such work be commenced or prosecuted unless such permit is on the grounds and in the possession of the person doing the work. Each permit shall designate the street and number of the house and sublot and shall include such a definite description of the premises as to clearly define the location and elevation of the connection and shall include the name of the contractor who will install the sewer.
      Industrial users shall furnish information concerning the layout and design of storm water facilities located on the property of the applicant. Included but not limited to a submittal to the Director shall be:
      Proposed new sources or significant industrial users and other industrial users shall apply at least ninety days prior to connecting to or contributing to the City's Storm Drainage System and shall have obtained such permit before such connection or contribution is made. In support of the application, the user shall submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, the following information:
      (1)    Name, address and location, if different from the address;
      (2)    SIC number according to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, Bureau of the Budget, 1972 as amended;
      (3)    Site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all storm drainage system sewers, sewer connections and appurtenances by the size, location and elevation;
      (4)    Description of activities, facilities and plant processes on the premises including all materials which are or could be discharged;
      No new connection with any storm sewer shall be made until an application with the plan of the same attached, is filed with and approved by the Deputy Service Director/Superintendent of Engineering, and accompanied with a permit fee of twenty five dollars ($25.00) for each dwelling unit and a fee of seventy five dollars ($75.00) for each commercial or industrial unit, plus all appropriate tap in fees, assessments, etc.
      All openings made within the street lines for the purpose of laying any storm sewer shall be done in open trench and a street excavation permit shall be obtained for such work, unless approved otherwise by the Director.
    (b)    Natural Outlet Discharge Permits. All persons shall obtain a permit to discharge any storm water to any natural outlet in the City. Under no circumstances does a permit from the Ohio EPA excuse any person from obtaining a permit.
      To obtain a permit to discharge storm water to any natural outlet of the City, the following conditions shall be met:
            (1)    Proof of permit from the Ohio EPA to discharge into waters of the State, or a statement from Ohio EPA that such permit is not required; and
            (2)    Information as described in subsection (a) hereof, if requested by the Director.
      (c)    Inspection and Costs. Prior to the completion of the connection to a storm sewer, the contractor shall notify the Director for the purpose of arranging an inspection. The connection shall not be made unless inspection of the work site is made by the Director and permission is granted for connection. All excavations shall remain open and barricaded until inspected.
      Whenever practicable, a separate and independent building storm sewer lateral shall be provided for each building.
      Existing building storm sewer laterals may not be used to connect new buildings to a storm sewer unless approved by the Director after the owner demonstrates that the existing building storm sewer meets all requirements of this chapter. The Director may consider information provided by the owner such as video tape of the pipe, flow calculations and as built drawings in consideration of approval of reuse.
      The connection and construction of all sewers shall be made in conformance with subsection (d) hereof. Such information as the City possesses relative to the location of wye branches, depth of sewer and so forth shall be kept in the office of the Director and shall be furnished upon request.
      All reasonable care shall be taken to ensure the correctness of such information but neither the Director nor the City shall be held liable for errors or mistakes arising there from.
      All costs and expenses incident to the installation and connection of the building storm sewer shall be borne by the owner. The owner shall indemnify the City for any loss or damage that may directly or indirectly be occasioned by the installation of the building storm sewer.
      As specified in Section 915.07 (b) (11), no connections of pipes carrying unpolluted water such as groundwater, storm water, roof runoff, subsurface drainage or uncontaminated cooling or industrial process water shall be made to the sanitary sewer. Conversely, polluted water shall not be discharged into the Strom Drainage System.
      (d)    Materials, Specifications. Bonding and Guarantees. The construction and connection of all storm sewers, building storm laterals, storm sewer joints, special connections, catch basins, inlets, yard drains, manholes and other facilities shall be composed of such materials and be installed in accordance with such specifications and procedures as the Director shall prescribe by regulation, which also shall include provisions for minimum financial performance bonding requirements and construction and maintenance guarantees for such construction and connections. 
(Ord. 2017-17. Passed 3-15-17.)