(a) As it applies to any type of Kent State University construction on University owned property, one (1) benefit unit means 5,000 square feet of new construction, rounded to the nearest one-tenth (0.1) fraction with a minimum of at least one benefit unit.
(1) This applies to academic, non-academic, commercial, industrial and residential structures, if the residential structure will give the University more than 7,800 students living on campus. Any new residential structure which keeps the on campus student population under 7,800 students will not have to pay any utilization fees.
(2) The renovation and/or remodeling or rebuilding of any existing building or facility, provided there is no expansion of the current structures’ footprint and no additional square footage (except for elevators, heating/air conditioning or other unoccupied mechanical space) will not be subject to utilization fees.
(Ord. 2011-23. Passed 4-20-11.)