All operations conducted in connection with an excavation, grading or filling permit shall be subject to the following regulations:
(a) Processing of any kind on the excavation site or the erection or use of any structure thereon, including but not limited to hoppers, washers, crushers or sheds, except simple screens to remove oversized aggregates during loading, shall be deemed a commercial use and are hereby prohibited.
(b) Except as otherwise provided in Section 907.04 no storage area may be created or maintained in connection with an excavation, grading or filling operation except that, under a duly issued permit, an owner or his/her contractor shall be allowed temporarily to store such material incidental to the operation, but such storage shall not be for a longer term that the term of the permit issued.
(c) No person shall keep or store any trucks, machinery or equipment on any property or street after completion of the operation. All such trucks, machinery or equipment shall be removed from such property within ten days after completion of the work.
(d) No operation shall be permitted on Sundays or holidays, nor before 7:00 a.m. or after 7:00 p.m. on other days.
(e) Barricades and lights shall be erected where necessary to protect pedestrians and vehicles during the period of operation.
(f) All operations shall be performed in a safe manner and in accordance with accepted engineering standards. (Ord. 1990-44. Passed 8-8-90.)