(a)   No person shall operate a taxicab within the City without first obtaining a taxicab driver's license.
   (b)   Qualifications.
      (1)   An applicant for a taxicab driver's license must be at least twenty one (21) years old.
      (2)   An applicant shall have good eyesight and no physical or mental limitations which would render the person unfit for the safe operation of a motor vehicle.
      (3)   An applicant shall not be addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors or drugs.
      (4)   An applicant shall have no criminal convictions of:
         i)   sexual offenses;
         ii)   drug offenses;
         iii)   felony convictions within the last five (5) years.
            (Ord. 2010-116. Passed 12-15-10.)
   (c)   A person desiring to obtain a taxicab driver's license shall make application in writing, under oath, to the Director of Public Safety providing the following information:
      (1)   Full name.
      (2)   Place of residence and telephone number; place of residence for five (5) years preceding the date of such application, and place of birth.
      (3)   Date of birth, sex, height, weight, color of eyes and hair, and citizenship.
      (4)   Place of previous employment for the five (5) years preceding the date of application.
      (5)   A valid driver's License issued by a State of the United States.
      (6)   Whether the applicant has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor, and if so, when, where, what offense, and the sentence for each conviction.
      (7)   Whether the applicant has previously been employed as a tax driver, and if so, when, where and by whom.
      (8)   Whether the applicant has ever had a previous license denied, suspended, or revoked, and if so, where, when and for what reason.
   (d)   Each application for a taxicab driver's license shall be accompanied by three (3) unmounted, unretouched photographs of the applicant, taken within thirty (30) days of the date of the application, suitable for attachment to the license.
   (e)   Each driver shall keep his correct address on file with the Director of Public Safety and shall notify the Director if there is a change in address.
   (f)   Each applicant shall be fingerprinted by the Portage County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) webcheck system unless otherwise directed to check for BCI and NCIC criminal records before a taxicab driver's license may be issued. The fingerprints, records and any other relevant information shall be permanently filed with the Records Bureau of the Police Department. (Ord. 2010-86. Passed 8-18-10.)