(a) All vendors, peddlers and solicitors must be duly licensed by the City of Kent unless otherwise except pursuant to Section 745.16.
(b) All vendors, peddlers and solicitors must have a retail sales license as directed by Ohio Revised Code Section 5739.17, unless otherwise exempt, and are liable for all pertinent regulations of Section 5739.01 to 5739.99, inclusive, of the Ohio Revised Code.
(c) Any person vending, peddling or soliciting with a duly issued license found in violation of any provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction.
(d) The code enforcement office and/or police officers may issue or cause to have issued citations for violations of this chapter, and the City is empowered to enforce this chapter pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 715.24 and 715.61.
(Ord. 2011-117. Passed 11-16-11.)