The following persons shall be exempt from the licensing procedures outlined in this Chapter:
(a) Any person soliciting or peddling anything which such person has personally manufactured or produced.
(b) Any farmer, poultry man or horticulturist, who is a person, who is soliciting or peddling his own product, but who has not bought goods for resale to sell along with his own product.
(c) Any person, eighteen (18) or over soliciting for personal services to be performed by the person so soliciting.
(d) The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to the peddling or soliciting of ice, milk, cream, ice cream, butter, eggs, cottage cheese or any dairy products.
(e) A lemonade stand on the premises of a private home and operated by children under the age of twelve (12).
(f) Kent residents that have a one-time food truck at their home for a private party/catered event.
(Ord. 2022-004. Passed 1-19-22.)