(a) “Noxious, poisonous or harmful weeds or vines", as used in this chapter, includes, but is not limited to, rag weeds, daisies, goldenrod, burdock, yellow dock, dandelions, thistles, wild carrot and any other weed or vegetable which exhales offensive or noxious odors or from which there is carried by the wind any injurious, offensive or annoying pollen, dust, down, seed or particles, or which may conceal filthy deposits.
(b) Rank Vegetation. Lawns and landscaping shall be kept from becoming overgrown and unsightly and shall be maintained so as not to constitute a blighting or deteriorating effect on the surrounding neighborhood and not to provide cover for rodents.
Rank Vegetation shall not be permitted on any of the following premises:
(1) Within any public right-of-way;
(2) Developed or occupied lots within any duly recorded residential or industrial subdivision.
(c) The owner, occupant or person having the charge or management of any lot or parcel of land situated within the corporate limits, whether the same is improved or unimproved, vacant or occupied, within five days' written notice to do so, served upon him/her by the Community Development Director, shall cut or destroy or cause to be cut or destroyed any grass, noxious, poisonous or harmful weeds or vines or rank vegetation growing upon any such lot or parcel of land, and prevent the same from blooming, going to seed or exceeding a height of twelve inches. (Ord. 2002-79. Passed 8-14-02)