(a)   No person shall park, place or store or permit to be parked, placed or stored, on any open lot or open parcel of land or open (unfenced) business property within the City, for a period of fifteen days or more, any inoperative motor vehicle, nor shall any person, park, place or store or permit to be parked, placed or stored on any open lot, open parcel of land or open business property any motor vehicle or part thereof not registered pursuant to Ohio R.C. Chapter 4503, or for which a certificate of registration and number of plates have not been issued by the Registrar of Motor Vehicles for the current registration year. This section shall not prohibit the storage of such motor vehicles as listed above when stored within the confines of any building, garage or carport, or fenced storage facility within a business or industrial district.
(Ord. 1987-85. Passed 10-21-87.)
   (b)   Whenever any police officer or the Fire Chief finds any motor vehicle in violation of subsection (a) hereof, proper notice of possible removal consistent with the procedure described in Chapter 357 of these Codified Ordinances. If the property or vehicle owner fails to respond to said notice, the vehicle shall be removed consistent with that same chapter.
(Ord. 2000-29. Passed 4-19-00.)