(For collections based on the municipal income tax rate of 2.25% imposed for the period beginning January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2038.)
   The funds collected under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the Income Tax Fund and applied to the following purposes:
   (a)   Administration. Such part thereof as shall be necessary to defray all costs of collecting the tax levied by this chapter and the cost of administering and enforcing the provisions hereof shall first be allocated to the Income Tax Administration Fund.
   (b)   Other Purposes. Subject to the limitations prescribed in the Charter of the City, namely, that no more than seventy-five percent (75%) of the proceeds of the City Income Tax, after payment of the expenses of collection and enforcement, shall be spent for any purpose other than a capital improvement, the net proceeds after cost of administration, enforcement, credits, and refunds shall be applied to the following separate accounts to be kept by the Finance Director for capital improvements and for the General Fund operation of the City, as herein designated:
      (1)   The first two-ninths of such net proceeds to fire and emergency medical service operations and the purchase and/or maintenance of equipment and/or facilities, including related debt service.
      (2)   The second two-ninths of such net proceeds to police, fire and emergency medical service operations and the purchase and/or maintenance of equipment and/or facilities, including related debt service.
      (3)   The third one-ninth of such net proceeds to the design, construction, capital improvements and equipping of a police facility, and related property acquisition and debt service.
      (4)   The remaining four-ninths:
         A.   To real estate acquisition and expansion. "Real estate expansion" means expansion and remodeling of any real estate, including buildings thereon to which the City has a title in fee simple or a leasehold interest of not less than twenty-five years;
         B.   To construction or relocation of any bridges or contributions to any proper governmental body for the construction, relocation or repair of any bridges or bridge routes within the City;
         C.   To sanitary sewer systems construction and installation of trunk lines and interceptor systems and the collecting sanitary sewer lines;
         D.   To street construction, installation, widening, resurfacing hard finish streets, relocating and restoring curbs, gutters and sidewalks with all accessories within the City, including contributions to any proper governmental body for such purposes within the City;
         E.   To storm sewer construction, trunk line construction, installation and expanding facilities;
         F.   To Safety Department purchase of Fire Department equipment, and Police Department equipment and expansion of facilities;
         G.   To the purchase of any capital equipment;
         H.   To water work system, construction and installation of trunk lines and water distribution lines, land acquisition and well field development; and
         I.   To the General Fund. (Ord. 2013-100. Passed 11-20-13.)