   (a)    Organization. The Department of Service, as established under the City Charter, Section 7.01, shall consist of five divisions, the Service Administration Division, the Central Maintenance Division, the Engineering Division, Water Reclamation Division and the Water Treatment Division all under the administration, ultimate authority and control of the Director of Service. The administration of such Department and Divisions shall be in accordance with the general laws of the State and Codified Ordinances of the City of Kent, unless provided otherwise within the context of the Charter.
   (b)   Service Administration Division. The Service Administration Division shall consist of an Administrative Assistant who shall be appointed by the Director of Service, and whose duties shall include the supervision of clerical operations and filing within the Division, plus such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Director of Service. The Division shall consist also of such other full-time and part-time employees as are deemed necessary by Council upon the recommendation of the Director of Service.
   (c)   Central Maintenance Division. The Central Maintenance Division shall consist of a Utilities Manager and a Facilities Manager who shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and painting of all City vehicles and equipment, except police and fire vehicles and equipment and small tools and office, laboratory and electronic equipment used by other departments, unless such work is assigned to the Service Department by the City Manager. The Central Maintenance Division shall be responsible for the cleaning, maintenance, repair and operation of the City's storm, water and wastewater distribution/collection systems, including the reading of water meters and the transmittal of such readings to the Finance Department for billing. Central Maintenance shall be responsible for the construction, reconstruction, cleaning, resurfacing, repair, patching, painting, striping and maintenance of all public improvements within rights of way in the City including City street tree maintenance plus such other duties as may be assigned to the Division by the Director of Service but only to the extent permitted by available funding and personnel. The Central Maintenance Division Managers shall be responsible for assigning and supervising work crew activities. The Central Maintenance Division Facility and Utility Managers shall assume all of the duties and authority of the other in their absence. The Division shall consist also of such other full-time and part-time employees as are deemed necessary by Council upon the recommendation of the Director of Service.
   (d)   Engineering Division. The Engineering Division shall consist of: a Deputy Service Director/Superintendent of Engineering, who shall be a licensed professional engineer, as defined in Ohio R.C. Chapter 4733 and who shall be responsible for the performance of all engineering and inspection services which may be assigned to the Division by the Director of Service or by ordinance or statute plus such other duties as may be assigned to the Division by the Director of Service but only to the extent permitted by available funding and personnel. The Division shall consist also of such other full-time and part-time employees as are deemed necessary by Council upon the recommendation of the Director of Service.
      (1)   Whenever outside sources, such as the Ohio Revised Code; the Ohio Administrative Code; and other State and Federal laws, rules, or regulations, refer to the "City Engineer", for purposes of the City of Kent, that shall mean the Deputy Service Director/Superintendent of Engineering; who shall have the authority to act on behalf of the City of Kent, Ohio, under said State and Federal Laws, rules, and regulations in lieu of a City Engineer.
   (e)   Water Reclamation Division. The Water Reclamation Division shall consist of a Water Reclamation Facility Manager who shall be responsible for the overall management and operation of the City's Water Reclamation Facility and all sanitary sewer lift stations, including direct supervision over all laboratory and facility functions and personnel subject to the direction of the Director of Service. The Water Reclamation Division Manager shall be responsible for the requirements of the City's NPDES Permits and all regulations as issued by the Ohio EPA for the Water Reclamation Facility plus such other duties as may be assigned to the Division by the Director of Service but only to the extent permitted by available funding and personnel. The Division shall consist also of such other full-time and part-time employees as are deemed necessary by Council upon the recommendation of the Director of Service.
   (f)   Water Treatment Division. The Water Treatment Division shall consist of a Water Treatment Plant Manager who shall be responsible for the overall management and operation of the City's Water Treatment Plant and all water storage tanks and booster stations, including direct supervision over all laboratory and plant functions and personnel subject to the direction of the Director of Service. The Water Treatment Division Manager shall be responsible for the requirements of the City's NPDES Permit(s) and all regulations as issued by the Ohio EPA for the Water Treatment Plant plus such other duties as may be assigned to the Division by the Director of Service but only to the extent permitted by available funding and personnel. The Division shall consist also of such other full-time and part-time employees as are deemed necessary by Council upon the recommendation of the Director of Service.
(Ord. 2012-12. Passed 1-18-12.)