To provide shade and to break up the visual appearance of large paved areas, landscaping shall be required.
(A) All parking lots subject to the requirements of this subchapter are required to contain landscaping as specified below.
(1) Parking lots with 12 or more spaces shall be landscaped with one tree for every 12 parking spaces.
(2) Parking lots shall contain landscape islands or peninsulas. Each shall be a minimum of ten feet wide. Each island or peninsula shall be planted with a minimum of one tree.
(B) (1) Landscaping shall be arranged so as not to obscure traffic signs or fire hydrants, or obstruct drivers’ sight distance within the parking area and at driveway entrances.
(2) All landscape areas shall be protected by raised curbs, parking blocks or other similar methods to prevent damage. Notwithstanding this requirement, alternative low impact design solutions shall be encouraged, such as areas for storm water infiltration, with incorporation of methods to prevent damage.
(3) Trees shall be planted at least three feet from curbs or the edge of pavement.
(C) Trees planted or preserved to satisfy streetyard, monumental tree preservation or buffer requirements may be used to partially satisfy the requirements of this subchapter.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018) Penalty, see § 152.999