§ 152.167  DWELLINGS.
   (A)   Dwellings, live/work.
      (1)   Where required. These standards shall apply within the R-3, R-10, R-15, OI, CB and GC Districts.
      (2)   Regulations for non-residential space. Areas used for non-residential uses shall be located only on the first floor of the structure. Only one customer entrance is allowed and must face a public street.
      (3)   Regulations for residential space. No more than one residential unit shall be allowed per structure.
      (4)   Internal access. An internal access must be provided between the residential and non- residential portions of the structure.
      (5)   Parking. All on-site parking shall be located at the rear of the structure. Garages built into the structure may be accessed only through a rear access way.
   (B)   Dwelling, manufactured home.
      (1)   Intent.
         (a)   It is the intent of this section to address the specific criteria that must be met to place a mobile home or manufactured home within the Manufactured Housing Overlay District in the town.
         (b)   The terms “manufactured home” and “mobile home” do not include a “recreational vehicle”.
      (2)   Requirements. Homes that do not meet the criteria set forth shall not be located within the town’s jurisdiction.
         (a)   Conforming manufactured home. Before issuing a zoning compliance permit for a mobile home, the Town Manager shall certify that the home meets the following standards.
            1.   The pitch of the home’s roof shall have a minimum vertical rise of two feet for each 12 feet of horizontal run. The roof shall be finished with a type of shingle that is commonly used in residential construction. The minimum width shall be 14 feet. All transportation lights and towing apparatus shall be removed before a certificate of occupancy is issued.
            2.   Manufactured homes must be underpinned. The home must be placed on a permanent foundation of masonry materials such as brick, block or stone.
            3.   The exterior siding shall consist of wood, hardboard or aluminum (vinyl covered or painted, but in no case exceeding the reflectivity of gloss white paint) comparable in composition, appearance and durability to the exterior siding commonly used in standard residential construction.
            4.   A deck or a porch of at least 36 square feet in size must be located on the front of the home and must include steps.
            5.   A legal non-conforming mobile home may be replaced with a similar or higher or better mobile home; provided, the replacement is permitted within 180 days of the removal of the existing mobile home. The replacement mobile home may not increase any dimensional non-conformity enjoyed by the existing mobile home.
         (b)   Non-conforming manufactured home. Before issuing a zoning compliance permit for a legal non-conforming mobile home, the Town Manager shall certify the following: a single or doublewide manufactured housing unit existing in the town, prior to the effective date of this chapter that meets the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development manufactured home construction standards, but does not meet the town’s appearance criteria. Such manufactured homes may only be relocated to currently conforming mobile home parks that existed prior to the effective date of this chapter. At that time, the home must be underpinned with masonry materials and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications.
   (C)   Dwelling, multi-family.
      (1)   Where required. These standards shall apply within the R-10, R-15, CB and GC Districts.
      (2)   Minimum area. The minimum lot size shall be 200% of the minimum lot size of the base zoning district for the first three units and 75% of the minimum lot size of the base zoning district for each additional unit above three.
      (3)   Maximum number of units per structure. No more than eight dwelling units are allowed per individual structure.
      (4)   Structure separation. Structures must be separated by a minimum of 20 feet.
      (5)   Setbacks. One story structures must be set back at least 20 feet from all adjoining property lines and multiple story structures must be set back an additional ten feet per story. A minimum ten-foot setback is required from all vehicle parking areas and a 15-foot setback is required from internal driveways.
      (6)   Access. Multi-family developments must have direct access to a thoroughfare or collector street.
      (7)   Buffering. A Type II buffer must be established along all property lines adjoining property zoned or used for residential purposes. A buffer is not required on property lines adjoining other property that has been developed with multi-family dwellings or townhouses.
      (8)   Internal driveways. Internal driveways shall be at least 15 feet wide for one-way travel and 22 feet wide for two-way travel.
   (D)   Dwelling, townhouse.
      (1)   Where required. These standards shall apply within the R-3, R-10, R-15, CB and GC Districts.
      (2)   Minimum area. The minimum project area shall be 200% of the minimum lot size of the base zoning district for the first three units, plus an additional area of 75% of the minimum lot size of the base zoning district for each additional unit above three.
      (3)   Maximum number of units per structure. No more than eight dwelling units are allowed per individual structure.
      (4)   Minimum dwelling width. Individual dwelling units shall be no less than 18 feet wide and no greater than 35 feet wide.
      (5)   Access. Townhouse developments must have direct access to a thoroughfare or collector street. Townhouses may also have a back alley access to accommodate rear-loaded garages.
      (6)   Buffering.
         (a)   A Type II buffer must be established along all property lines adjoining property zoned or used for residential purposes.
         (b)   A buffer is not required on property lines adjoining other property that has been developed with multi-family dwellings.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)  Penalty, see § 152.999