(A)   Where required. These standards shall apply within the R-10 and R-15 Districts.
   (B)   Building setback. A minimum setback of 30 feet shall be required between all structures and adjoining property lines of adjacent residentially zoned or used property.
   (C)   Buffering. A Type II buffer shall be established along all side and rear property lines adjacent to residentially zoned or used property.
   (D)   Building design standards. Structures shall be designed so that they respect the residential character of the area in which they are located. To achieve this, the following standards shall apply.
      (1)   Exterior building materials. No exterior wall, which is visible from a public right-of-way or an adjoining residentially zoned or used property, may be finished with plywood, corrugated or sheet metal, stucco, cinder block or other materials which are not normally used to finish the exterior walls of single- family dwellings. The use of brick or split-faced block is highly encouraged.
      (2)   Roofs.
         (a)   A minimum roof pitch of 5/12 is required.
         (b)   Roofing materials must be of a similar style and color as those of surrounding residences.
   (E)   Waste disposal. Medical or other hazardous waste that is stored for collection on-site must be stored in a secure area that is not accessible to the public.
   (F)   Access. Access to the facility must be from a thoroughfare or collector street.
(Ord. passed 3-5-2018)  Penalty, see § 152.999