(A)   The city shall establish by ordinance the monetary value of the park land dedication.
      (1)   This fee shall be periodically reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Commission, Park Board and City Council.
      (2)   The fee shall be paid prior to recording the final plat of the subdivision.
      (3)   All payments collected shall be placed in the appropriate park acquisition and development fund established for the city.
   (B)   The City Council shall reserve the right to negotiate independently with any property owner in the community to acquire land(s) to be used for community parks. The monetary dedications from any or all subdivisions can be used for these acquisitions or to expand existing facilities.
   (C)   The city reserves the right to acquire lands within a subdivision, in accordance with the comprehensive land use plan, at the time of platting for a future park or an addition to an existing park. These lands can be donated by the owner as a credit against current or future dedication requirements.
   (D)   Following dedication of lands as provided herein, no person shall remove trees, vegetation or topsoil therefrom, nor shall the lands be used for the purpose of stockpiling of earth or construction material, without written permission from the city.
(Ord. 879, passed 10-28-2020)