The following control measures shall be taken to control erosion during construction.
(A) No exposed slopes should be steeper in grade than one foot vertical for every four feet horizontal.
(B) At the foot of each exposed slope, a channel and berm should be constructed to control runoff. The channelized water should be diverted to a sedimentation basin (debris basin, silt basin or silt trap) before being allowed to enter the natural drainage system.
(C) Along the top of each exposed slope, a berm should be constructed to prevent runoff from flowing over the edge of the slope. Where runoff collecting behind the berm cannot be diverted elsewhere and must be directed down the slope, appropriate measures shall be taken to prevent erosion. The measures should consist of either an asphalt paved flow apron and drop chute laid down the slope or a flexible slope drain. At the base of the slope drain or flow apron, a gravel energy dissipater should be installed to prevent erosion at the discharge end.
(D) Exposed slopes shall be stabilized based on degree of the slope, soils material and expected length of exposure.
(E) Control measures, other than those specifically stated above, may be used in place of the above measures if it can be demonstrated that they will as effectively protect exposed slopes.
(Ord. 879, passed 10-28-2020)