§ 153.141 LOTS.
   (A)   Lot dimensions shall conform to Chapter 154; every lot shall be sized to meet the minimum dimensions established by the zoning district and use-specific standards.
      (1)   Every lot that meets these minimum standards shall be considered "buildable;"
      (2)   Outlots that do not meet these standards may be proposed for common open space, stormwater or other utilities, private streets, or open areas set aside for future subdivision; outlots shall not be considered "buildable."
   (B)   The size, width, shape and orientation of lots and the building setback line shall be appropriate for the type of development and use contemplated.
   (C)   Parcel remnants smaller in area than allowed by zoning are not allowed and must be made part of another lot.
   (D)   Side lot lines shall be as near to right angles or radial to street lines as possible.
   (E)   Every lot shall have street access for fire protection, utilities and other necessary services.
   (F)   Lots shall not be so excessive in depth that they block desirable access to adjacent property. The Planning and Zoning Commission may require dedication of land for future streets in excessively deep lots.
(Ord. 879, passed 10-28-2020)