(A)   Monuments.
      (1)   Official permanent monuments shall be placed as required by M.S. § 505.021, as may be amended from time to time.
      (2)   All monument markers shall be correctly in place upon final grading and installation of utilities.
      (3)   The city will not issue building permits for a lot within a plat until monuments have been placed for that lot.
      (4)   All United States, state, county or other official bench marks, monuments or triangulation stations in or adjacent to the property shall be preserved in precise position.
   (B)   Subdivision names. The proposed name of the subdivision shall not duplicate or too closely approximate phonetically, the name of any other subdivision in the city or county. The city shall have final authority to designate the name of the subdivision.
   (C)   Street names. Street names shall be named according to the municipality's street naming and numbering system, the Zoning Administrator shall have discretion to alter the city street naming system, when appropriate, in order to avoid confusion to the traveling public.
   (D)   Debris and waste.
      (1)   No items and materials such as cut trees, diseased trees, timber, debris, earth, rocks, stones, soil, junk, rubbish or other waste materials of any kind shall be left or deposited in any area of the subdivision through the completion of the development agreement or dedication of public improvements, whichever occurs sooner.
      (2)   No such items and materials as listed above shall be buried in any land, or left or deposited on any lot or street at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and removal of those items and materials shall be required prior to issuance of any certificate of occupancy in a subdivision.
(Ord. 879, passed 10-28-2020)