(A)   Barking. No person will keep or harbor a dog which habitually barks, cries, howls or whines for a period of six or more minutes out of a ten consecutive minute period.
   (B)   Nuisance noise. It is unlawful for any owner to maintain at any place within the city any animals which, by their habitual whining, barking, howling or other disagreeable noises, disturbs the people in the locality where kept.
   (C)   Damage to property by animals prohibited. No person having the custody or control of a dog, cat or other animal will permit the animal to damage any lawn, garden or other property, public or private, or to defecate on private property, without the consent of the property owner.
   (D)   (1)   Fecal clean-up. It is the duty of each person having the custody or control of a dog, cat or other animal to voluntarily and promptly remove any feces left by such dog or animal on any sidewalk, gutter, street, park land or other public property, or any public area, and to dispose of the feces in a sanitary manner and to have in immediate possession a device or equipment for the picking up and removal of feces. For the purpose of this division, PUBLIC AREA will include any property open for public use or travel, even though it is privately owned.
      (2)   Exception. The provisions of this division do not apply to a guide dog or service animal accompanying a blind person or to a dog when used in police or rescue activities by or with the permission of the city. This division will not be construed by implication or otherwise to allow dogs to be where they are otherwise prohibited by the ordinances of the city.
(Ord. 857, passed 10-14-2015)