The following zoning districts are provided in order to promote and encourage the orderly and efficient development and use of land, buildings and structures. The incorporated area of the city is hereby divided into the following districts which shall be known by the following respective symbols and names:
   (A)   D-H Development Holding District;
   (B)   R-1 Single-Family Residential District;
   (C)   R-1A Single-Family Older-Core Residential District;
   (D)   R-2 Mixed Residential District;
   (E)   R-3 Multi-Family Residential District;
   (F)   R-C Residential-Commercial Mixed Use District;
   (G)   C-1 Central Business District;
   (H)   C-2 General Commercial District;
   (I)   C-3 Highway Commercial District;
   (J)   I-1 Business Park / Light Industrial District; and
   (K)   I-2 Manufacturing / Heavy Industrial District.
(Ord. 879, passed 10-28-2020)