(A)   Generally. The City Council shall appoint a City Finance Director. The City Finance Director shall receive and safely keep all city money, including liquor store funds. The City Finance Director shall promptly enter all receipts in an account book, showing the date, source, kind and amount of each payment and shall deposit all money immediately in the city’s official depository. The City Finance Director shall also pay out city funds and in doing so shall draw up an order, in writing, which the City Council shall audit and, if appropriate, allow and the Mayor and Administrator shall sign the same.
   (B)   Record keeping. The City Finance Director shall have the books and records available for inspection at any time. After the close of each year, the City Finance Director shall prepare and file with the Administrator a detailed account of the year’s receipts and disbursements.
   (C)   Other duties. The City Finance Director shall receive fees, fines and other payments due to the city and give out receipts for same. The City Finance Director will also be responsible for the investment of city money and sinking funds according to City Council instructions.
   (D)   Financial statements to be prepared by Administrator. Notwithstanding the appointment of a City Finance Director, the annual city financial report, the statement of tax collections and the statement of outstanding bonds and orders shall be prepared by the Administrator. The City Finance Director shall assist the Administrator in preparing financial statements mentioned hereinabove.
   (E)   Administrator to supervise. The City Administrator shall supervise the work of the City Finance Director. The City Finance Director shall also be designated Deputy Administrator. In the absence or disability of the Administrator, the Deputy Administrator may perform all duties of the Administrator.
   (F)   Position description. A position description for the City Finance Director shall be adopted by the City Council by resolution as part of the city compensation plan. The position description for the City Finance Director shall include a detailed description of the essential functions of the job, the mental abilities required, the personal attributes required and the minimum qualifications for the position.
   (G)   Appointment. The City Finance Director shall be hired by majority vote of the City Council for an indefinite term and may be removed only by a majority vote of the Council.
(Prior Code, § 2-1.2) (Ord. 750, passed - -)