No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any storm water, ground water, roof run-off, yard drainage, yard fountain, pond overflow or any substance other than sanitary sewage into the sanitary collection system.
(Prior Code, § 23-71) (Ord. 817, passed - -) Penalty, see § 53.999
Any person, firm or corporation having a roof drain, sump pump, swimming pool discharge, cistern overflow pipe or any surface drain now connected and/or discharging into the sanitary sewer system shall disconnect and/or remove same prior to 5-31-2006. Any disconnects or openings in the sanitary sewer shall be sealed.
(Prior Code, § 23-72) (Ord. 817, passed - -) Penalty, see § 53.999
Sump pumps shall have a discharge system installed to the outside wall of the building. The pipe attachment shall be a permanent fitting such as PVC pipe with glued fittings. The discharge shall extend at least three feet outside of the foundation wall. When a sump pit exists in any building, it shall have a pump installed: no empty pits shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, § 23-73) (Ord. 817, passed - -; Am. Ord 875, passed 3-11-2020) Penalty, see § 53.999
Every person owning improved real estate that discharges into the city’s sanitary sewer system shall allow the city employees, or their designees, to inspect the buildings to confirm that there is no sump pump or other prohibited discharge into the sanitary sewer system. Any person refusing to allow his or her property to be inspected shall immediately become subject to the surcharge hereinafter provided for. The owner of any such property may meet the requirements of this section by contracting with a licensed plumber who is authorized to do business in the city to perform such inspection. Such plumber shall inspect the owner's property and shall complete, sign and return an inspection form to the city, documenting the results of the inspections. The inspection form shall be furnished to the property owner or licensed plumber upon request. All costs associated with an inspection by a licensed plumber retained by the property owner under this section shall be the responsibility of the property owner. The owner of any improved real estate shall have a period of 30 days from the date the city sends a written notice to the owner requesting admittance to the owner's property for an inspection, to either allow a city inspection of the property, or to contract with a licensed plumber to perform the inspection, and notify the city of the results thereof. Such inspection, whether performed by the city inspection, or by the licensed plumber hired by the property owner, shall be completed within said 30-day period. Upon completion of city inspection of a property, or upon the city's receipt of an inspection form from the licensed plumber hired by the owner of the property, if the city shall determine whether any such property is improperly discharging storm water into city sanitary sewer system, then the owner shall have a period of 90 days from the date the city sends such written notice to the owner, to obtain a plumbing permit, and to disconnect owner's sump pump or other prohibited discharge into the city sanitary sewer system and to request-reinspection, certifying that all work necessary to disconnect the owner's sump pump or other prohibited discharge from said property into the city sanitary sewer system has ben completed. All work that is necessary to comply with the provisions of this division which requires the insurance of any plumbing, building, or other permit under this code shall be inspected by the city.
(Prior Code, § 23-74) (Ord. 817, passed - -; Am. Ord. 875, passed 3-11-2020) Penalty, see § 53.999