(A)   Automobile wrecking yard/scrap or salvage storage yard.
      (1)   Compliance with all necessary state and local licensing as well as with all state and federal environmental regulations.
      (2)   Travelways through the storage yard shall be maintained to allow for fire and emergency access.
      (3)   A landscape buffer area of at least 15 feet shall be provided along the frontage of the property with a minimum of 150 plant units per every 100 lineal feet.
      (4)   All buildings shall include an automatic fire sprinkler system.
      (5)   All vehicle fluid draining shall be conducted within a building.
      (6)   Vertical stacking of vehicles shall not be permitted on the property where they are visible from public right-of-way or adjacent properties.
      (7)   Hours of operation, including deliveries and hauling to and from the property, shall be between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
      (8)   All petroleum products, anti-freeze and hazardous materials shall be disposed of in accordance with local and state regulations.
      (9)   Any buildings, salvage yard, salvage parking areas, vehicle crusher, loading areas and dumpsters as well as any outdoor storage areas or equipment shall be enclosed within an opaque perimeter fence eight feet in height. The fence shall be faced with aluminum or galvanized steel panels and coated with a non-reflective neutral earth tone color.
      (10)   Storage kept outside of a building shall not be located in the required front yard.
   (B)   Contractor yard (landscaping, construction, etc.)
      (1)   Outside storage of materials and equipment shall be fully screened with a fence or wall at 100% opacity to the height of six feet, from public roads and adjacent residential properties and shall otherwise meet the provisions outlined in § 154.312.
      (2)   Buildings, parking areas, loading areas and outside storage shall meet the setback requirements of the applicable zoning district.
      (3)   All motorized vehicles, including trucks and trailers and machinery stored in the outside storage area shall be licensed and in operable condition.
      (4)   No operation or activity shall emit any hazardous substances in such quantity, concentration, or duration as to be injurious to human health or property. If hazardous materials are stored and used on the property, a materials management plan shall be submitted to address storage, handling, use, disposal and potential hazards.
   (C)   Outdoor storage, manufacturing and sales area.
      (1)   Use shall be surrounded by a solid fence or evergreen planting screen completely preventing a view from any other property or public right of way and shall be at least 600 feet from residential districts.
      (2)   Inflammable liquid storage in industrial/manufacturing districts
         (a)   Aboveground storage of quantities over 1,000 gallons of materials or products rated as fast-burning, or which produce flammable or explosive vapors or gasses, will be permitted only in the industrial/manufacturing district; provided that, the storage area is not less than 600 feet distant from any other zoning district.
         (b)   The storage area must be provided with adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion and adequate fire suppression and firefighting equipment and devices standard to the industry.
      (3)   Bulk storage (liquid, gas, grain and the like)
         (a)   Above and below ground storage tanks, bins, elevators and the like shall be regulated in accordance with applicable city, state and federal regulations, including the applicable building codes, State Fire Code and regulations of the Pollution Control Agency.
         (b)   All necessary federal, state and local permits and approvals shall be obtained.
         (c)   The Council may require that all existing aboveground liquid in free state storage tanks having a capacity of 300 gallons or more be diked, and suitably sealed, to hold a leakage capacity equal to 115% of tank capacity, and also have State Fire Marshal approval.
         (d)   No storage tanks containing flammable or combustible materials shall be located less than 200 feet from a residential district, except those used on individual properties for heating individual homes.
(Ord. 879, passed 10-28-2020)