(A)   No service connection with the water system, sanitary sewage system, or other utility systems of the village shall be made without a permit therefor being first obtained as hereinafter provided. Application for the permit shall be made and filed with the Utility Superintendent, on forms provided by the Superintendent. The permits shall be issued by the Superintendent only after payment of the charges for these connections, respectively, as set forth in Title XVII of this code.
   (B)   The Superintendent shall keep in his or her office a complete record of all such permits issued hereunder and the exact location of the connections made. He or she shall furnish to the Board of Trustees, as often as requested, a complete statement of all these permits issued since his or her last statement.
   (C)   The Superintendent shall require the applicant to furnish, in connection with the application for service connections, the plans of the building to be served and any other information that he or she may require for the purpose of determining the amount of charges for the connections in accordance with the schedule of charges in Title XVII of this code.
   (D)   The permit shall be issued for a 90-day period.
   (E)   In the case of any application for a water service connection permit or a sanitary sewage service connection permit to which the application of the charges set forth in Title XVII of this code are not definitely applicable, the Board of Trustees shall determine the charges to be made in the particular situation.