For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANIMAL. Any animal, other than human, which may be affected by rabies.
(510 ILCS 5/2.02)
   ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER. Any person appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Village Board to perform duties enforcing this subchapter, any ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICIAL appointed and acting under authority of the County Board or any law enforcement officer appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Village Board to perform duties enforcing this subchapter.
(510 ILCS 5/2.03)
   AT LARGE. Any dog shall be deemed to be at large when it is off the property of its owner and not under the control of a responsible person.
   BUSINESS DAY. Any day including holidays that the animal control facility is open to the public for animal reclaims.
(510 ILCS 5/2.03a)
   CAT. Any feline, regardless of age or sex.
   COMPANION ANIMAL. An animal that is commonly considered to be, or is considered by the owner to be a pet. COMPANION ANIMAL includes, but is not limited to, canines, felines and equines.
(510 ILCS 70/2.01a)
   CONFINED. Restriction of an animal at all times by the owner, or his or her agent, to an escape-proof building or other enclosure away from other animals and the public.
(510 ILCS 5/2.05)
      (1)   Any individual dog anywhere other than upon the property of the owner or custodian of the dog and unmuzzled, unleashed or unattended by its owner or custodian that behaves in a manner that a reasonable person would believe poses a serious and unjustified imminent threat of serious physical injury or death to a person or a companion animal; or
      (2)   A dog that, without justification, bites a person and does not cause serious physical injury. (510 ILCS 5/2.05a)
   DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. The Department of Agriculture of the State of Illinois.
(510 ILCS 5/2.06)
   DOG. All members of the family Canidae.
(510 ILCS 5/2.11)
   ENCLOSURE. A fence or structure of at least six feet in height, forming or causing an ENCLOSURE suitable to prevent the entry of young children, and suitable to confine a vicious dog in conjunction with other measures that may be taken by the owner or keeper, such as tethering of the vicious dog within the ENCLOSURE. The ENCLOSURE shall be securely enclosed and locked and designed with secure sides, top and bottom, and shall be designed to prevent the animal from escaping from the ENCLOSURE. If the ENCLOSURE is a room within a residence, it cannot have direct ingress from or egress to the outdoors unless it leads directly to an enclosed pen and the door must be locked. A vicious dog may be allowed to move about freely within the entire residence if it is muzzled at all times.
(510 ILCS 5/2.11a)
   EXOTIC ANIMAL. Any live monkey, alligator, crocodile, raccoon, squirrel, skunk, fox, bear, sea mammal, poisonous snake, member of the feline species other than domestic cat (Felis domesticus), member of the canine species other than domestic dog (Canis familiaris) or any other animal that would require a standard of care and control greater than that required for domestic farm animals or customary household pets sold by commercial pet shops.
   FERAL CAT. A cat that is:
      (1)   Born in the wild or is offspring of an owned or feral cat and is not socialized;
      (2)   A formerly owned cat that has been abandoned and is no longer socialized; or
      (3)   A cat not socialized living on a farm.
(510 ILCS 5/2.11b)
   HAS BEEN BITTEN. Has been seized with the teeth or jaws so that the person or animal seized has been nipped, gripped, wounded or pierced, and further includes contact of saliva with any break or abrasion of the skin.
(510 ILCS 5/2.12)
   HUMANELY EUTHANIZED. The painless administration of a lethal dose of an agent or method of euthanasia that causes the painless death of an animal.
(510 ILCS 70/2.09)
   IMPOUNDED. Taken into custody of the animal control facility in the village, town or county where the animal is found.
(510 ILCS 5/2.12a)
   INOCULATION AGAINST RABIES. The injection of an anti-rabies vaccine approved by the Department.
(510 ILCS 5/2.13)
   INTACT ANIMAL. An animal that has not been spayed or neutered.
(510 ILCS 5/2.11c)
   LEASH. A cord, rope, strap or chain, which shall be securely fastened to the collar or harness of a dog or other animal and shall be of sufficient strength to keep such dog or other animal under control.
(510 ILCS 5/2.14)
   LICENSED VETERINARIAN. A veterinarian licensed by the state in which he or she engages in the practice of veterinary medicine.
(510 ILCS 5/2.15)
   LIVESTOCK. Any domestic animal, including, but not limited to, animals typically found on a farm such as horses, asses, donkeys, mules, horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, fowl (i.e., turkeys, geese, chickens and ducks) and bison. For the purposes of this subchapter, LIVESTOCK shall not include domestic pets such as dogs and cat, and exotic animals, as defined herein.
   OWNER. Any person having a right of property in an animal, or who keeps or harbors an animal, or who has an animal in his or her care, or acts as its custodian, or who knowingly permits an animal to remain on any premises occupied by him or her. OWNER does not include a feral cat caretaker participating in a trap, spay/neuter, return or release program.
(510 ILCS 5/2.16)
   PERSON. Any individual, firm, corporation, partnership, society, association or other legal entity, any public or private institution, the state, municipal corporation or political subdivision of the state, or any other business unit.
(See 510 ILCS 5/2.17)
   PHYSICAL INJURY. The impairment of physical condition.
(510 ILCS 5/2.18a)
   POLICE ANIMAL. An animal owned or used by a law enforcement department or agency in the course of the Department’s or agency’s work.
(510 ILCS 5/2.17b)
   POTENTIALLY DANGEROUS DOG. A dog that is unsupervised and found running at large with three or more other dogs.
(510 ILCS 5/2.17c)
   POUND or ANIMAL CONTROL FACILITY. Any facility approved by the Village Board or the County Board for the purpose of enforcing this subchapter and used as a shelter for seized, stray, homeless, abandoned or unwanted dogs or other animals.
(510 ILCS 5/2.18)
   REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE. A printed form prescribed by the Department for the purpose of recording pertinent information as required by the Department under this subchapter.
(510 ILCS 5/2.19)
   RESTRAINT. A dog, off the premises of its owner’s real property, is under restraint within the meaning of this subchapter when:
      (1)   It is controlled by a line or leash not more than six feet in length;
      (2)   It is at heel beside a competent person;
      (3)   It is within an enclosed vehicle being driven, parked or stopped;
      (4)   It is being utilized in the sport of hunting; or
      (5)   It is controlled by a leash of 50 feet or less during a training session conducted by a competent person.
   SERIOUS PHYSICAL INJURY. A physical injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious disfigurement, protracted impairment of health, impairment of the function of any bodily organ or requires plastic surgery.
(510 ILCS 5/2.19a)
   SERVICE ANIMAL. An animal trained in obedience and task skills to meet the needs of a disabled person.
(510 ILCS 70/2.01c)
   SHADE. Protection from the direct rays of the sun during the months of June through September.
   SHELTER. A moisture-proof structure of suitable size to accommodate the dog and allow retention of body heat, made of durable material with a solid floor raised at least two inches from the ground and with the entrance covered by a flexible, windproof material. Such structure shall be provided with a sufficient quantity of suitable bedding to provide insulation and protection against cold and dampness.
   TAG. A serially numbered medallion approved and issued by the county that is evidence of inoculation against rabies.
   VICIOUS DOG. A dog that, without justification, attacks a person and causes serious physical injury or death, or any individual dog that has been found to be a dangerous dog upon three separate occasions.
(510 ILCS 5/2.19b)
   WILD ANIMAL. Any primate, raccoon, skunk, fox, poisonous snake or other poisonous reptile, non-poisonous snake or other non-poisonous reptile that exceeds five feet in length, leopard, panther, tiger, lion, lynx or any other animal or any bird of prey which can normally be found in the wild state and is not generally considered to be a domestic animal.
(Ord. 2012-02, passed - -2012)