(A)   Applications for a permit to construct or alter a mobile home park shall be submitted, with the application fee, to the Village Clerk. The Clerk shall forward the application to the Utility Superintendent who, assisted as necessary by the Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, and Electrical Inspector, shall examine the plans for conformance with village ordinances including but not limited to those relating to water, sewage, lighting, garbage disposal, streets, sidewalks, swimming and bathing facilities, fire hydrants, and auxiliary structures. The Superintendent shall render a written report of findings to the Zoning Board of Appeals, which shall then examine the application for conformance with zoning regulations. The Zoning Board of Appeals shall render a written report and submit the report along with the Superintendent’s report, to the Board of Trustees, which shall rule on the application, giving reasons for any denial.
   (B)   The applicant shall have 30 days to correct any deficiencies in the plans and resubmit the application, which shall be reexamined and ruled on as set forth herein with no additional application fee. After the first resubmission, the Village Board in its sole discretion may require an additional application fee for further resubmissions.