(A)   Streets. Public streets shall be provided to afford convenient access to all property within the subdivision. Private streets are permitted only if they are required by the design or ownership of the subdivision and can be demonstrated to be to the long term benefit of the community. Private streets are permitted only if covenants or agreements acceptable to the village are provided which guarantee maintenance of the streets in perpetuity at no cost to the village. Private streets will not be allowed if a public street is feasible.
      (1)   The proposed street system shall extend existing adjoining streets. If the extension is not practical, the Plan Commission may recommend otherwise.
      (2)   Where, in the opinion of the Plan Commission, it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property, the Plan Commission may recommend that proposed streets be extended by dedication to the boundary of the property being platted.
      (3)   The street layout shall recognize the functional classification of the various types of streets and shall be developed and located in proper relation to existing and proposed streets, to the topography, to such natural features as rivers and tree growth, to public convenience and safety, to the proposed use of the land to be served by the streets, and to the most advantageous development of adjoining areas. The subdivision shall be designed to provide each lot with satisfactory access to a public street.
   (B)   Half streets. In the event any proposed street right-of-way is at the edge of a subdivision and only one-half of the proposed right-of-way falls within the subdivision, the road will be built to allow two moving lanes of traffic (24 feet of pavement) as a minimum. If the road benefits primarily the subdivider, the Plan Commission may recommend full improvement of the road.
   (C)   Access streets. Where deemed necessary, the Plan Commission may recommend access streets be required to service areas fronting on major thoroughfares.
   (D)   Alleys. The Plan Commission may recommend alleys or private service roads be provided at the rear of all lots or tracts intended for business, commercial, industrial, and multi-family residential building uses.
   (E)   Curbs and gutters. Suitable curbs and gutters shall be constructed on both sides of all streets in accordance with standards established by ordinance.
   (F)   Sidewalks. Suitable sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of all streets in accordance with standards established by ordinance.
   (G)   Street lighting. Street lighting, including underground service cable, shall be provided by the subdivider throughout a subdivision, using material, equipment, and methods approved by the applicable electric utility supplying service to the area.
   (H)   Street signs. Street signs, as required by village ordinances, shall be provided at all street intersections.
   (I)   Trees. If any trees or plants are proposed to be planted on any part of the subdivision devoted to public use, the species of trees and location thereof shall be subject to the approval and direction of the Village Engineer.
   (J)   Off-street parking. All off-street parking requirements shall be in accordance with the provisions of the village zoning ordinance and other provisions of the village code.
   (K)   Bench marks. Bench marks certified and approved by the Village Engineer are required prior to the issuance of a building permit in proximity to the site for which the permit is required. Temporary bench marks are allowed until the time that permanent bench marks are installed. Permanent bench marks shall be established as directed by the Village Engineer.
   (L)   Establishment. The village standards and practices referred to in divisions (A) through (K) above shall be established by ordinance and included in Title XVII of this Code.
Penalty, see § 10.99