(A)   Lights and warnings. Whenever a street or alley is blocked by a house or structure which is being moved, warnings to that effect shall be placed by the Police Department so as to warn vehicles and persons from entering that portion of the street so blocked. The person moving any building through the street shall keep warning signs and lanterns or lights on the building so as to guard against any person or vehicle from colliding with the building.
   (B)   Wires, cutting. Whenever it shall be necessary to interfere with wires or cables of a public utility in moving a building, the terms of any special or franchise ordinance governing shall apply and the bond therein specified shall be given. If no such terms apply, then the Board of Trustees shall estimate the expense of fixing the wires and the bond to be given to cover the expense.
   (C)   Fire alarm wires. When any moving building shall approach any fire alarm wire or pole which shall be endangered by the removal of the building or structure, it shall be the duty of the mover to notify the Street Superintendent at least six hours before reaching the wire or pole so that they may be removed or cared for by the village authorities.
   (D)   Other wires. Whenever any licensed building mover engaged to move any building through or past wires, cables, or other electrical conductors owned and operated by the village, or by any other person or corporation, and shall have secured a permit from the Board of Trustees for the removal in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter, he or she shall serve notice in writing on the person or corporation owning, using, or operating any such wire, cable, or other electrical conductor through which he or she desires to pass, specifying the time the building he or she is removing will reach the wire, cable, or other electrical conductor to be cut or otherwise removed or disposed of so as to allow the person or corporation not less than 24 hours before the time at which it is desired to cut the wire, cable, or other electrical conductor or otherwise dispose of same.
Penalty, see § 97.999