(A)   No person shall injure or tear up any street, alley, sidewalk, or public ground, or any part thereof, dig any hole, ditch, or drain in, or dig or remove any sod, stone, earth, sand, or gravel from, or dig, place, or construct any tunnel or drive, or bore for any pipe conduit, wire main, or shaft in or under any street, alley, sidewalk, or public ground in the village without having first obtained written permission from the street department given in accordance with the provisions of this subchapter or other ordinances of the village.
   (B)   Excavations shall be made in accordance with § 97.032. Excavations greater than 50 feet in length will be removed in accordance with § 97.032 and replaced by the applicant and inspected in accordance with § 97.034.
Penalty, see § 97.999
Statutory reference:
   State law as to power of village to regulate openings in streets for laying water mains and sewers, see 65 ILCS 5/11-80-7