§ 153.46 STORM SEWERS.
   (A)   Description of storm water sewers. Storm water sewers shall be any pipe or sewer used for the carrying of surface drains, ground waters, roof leaders, or storm waters, rain waters, or other waters other than sanitary sewage.
   (B)   Supervision. The Superintendent of Utilities shall supervise all connections made to the public storm sewer system or excavations for the purpose of installing or repairing the same.
   (C)   Permits. Before any connection is made to the public storm water sewers, a permit shall be applied for and approved by the Superintendent, or his or her designated representative.
   (D)   Requirements; use of storm water sewers. Where a storm water sewer is accessible in a street, alley, or easement to a building or premises abutting thereon, the surface drains, ground waters, roof leaders, or storm waters shall be discharged into the storm water sewer unless otherwise authorized by the village. Under no conditions shall sanitary sewage or wastes or any substance other than surface waters, ground waters, roof waters, or storm waters be permitted to flow into or be connected to the storm water sewer, if any; and no sanitary sewer, if any, shall be connected to the storm water sewer system.
(Prior Code, § 33.5.2) Penalty, see § 10.99
   Storm Sewers and Culverts, see Chapter 156