§ 153.45 SIDEWALKS.
   (A)   Grade. No sidewalk shall be built above or below the established grade of the village and, in all cases where no grade is established, any person building a sidewalk shall build the same according to the instructions of the Street Superintendent and the Village Board.
   (B)   Permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to build, lay, or construct any sidewalk along any property in the village or along any of the streets, alleys, or public highways thereon without first obtaining permission from the Street Superintendent to do so.
   (C)   Cost to owner for sidewalks on village property. If the landowner wants new sidewalks, the landowner will pay or furnish all labor. If the funds are available and the Village Board approves the request, the village shall pay for concrete and supplies. All sidewalks put in will be done to the specifications of the village.
   (D)   Subdivisions. This is not applicable to new subdivisions.
(Ill. Rev. Stat., Ch. 24, § 11-80-13) (Prior Code, § 33.5.1) Penalty, see § 10.99