1-13-21: CONTRACTS:
   A.   County Attorney Approval Of Contracts: All contracts entered into for any procurement under this chapter must be approved as to form and compliance by the County Attorney's Office prior to execution.
   B.   Clauses To Be Included In Contracts: The following clauses shall be included in each contract for any procurement under this chapter, unless specifically waived by the County Commission after review with the County Attorney:
      1.   The unilateral right of County to order, in writing, changes in the work within the scope of the contract and changes in the time of performance of the contract that do not alter the scope of the contract work.
      2.   Variations occurring between estimated quantities of work in a contract and actual quantities.
      3.   Other terms for change orders and other changes or additions to work.
      4.   The right of the County to suspend work.
      5.   Vendor compliance with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
      6.   Bonding requirements.
      7.   Proof of individuals/businesses properly licensed with appropriate State or local authority.
      8.   Contract providers or vendors agreement to indemnify County.
      9.   Contract providers or vendors retention or product liability/manufacturer's liability.
      10.   Insurance required of contract providers or vendors.
      11.   Antidiscrimination language. (Ord. O-2016-7, 8-8-2016)