A.   Purpose:
      1.   To provide areas in appropriate locations relatively remote from more restrictive zones where processes of light manufacturing and warehousing may be established and maintained. Manufacturing and storage includes the processes necessary in the creation and/or storage of products normally utilized in modern civilized life.
      2.   It is not the intent of this zone to prohibit uses usually utilized in more restrictive zones. Citizens should understand that the decision to put a residence or some other establishment normally found in more restrictive zones in this zone includes acceptance of the undesirable sights, sounds, smells and activities that are anticipated in this zone. No amount of public clamor will change the established use to a more restrictive use until those for whom the zone was created no longer wish to utilize the purposes of this zone.
         a.   All uses listed in the more restrictive zones shall be allowed in the manufacturing zone with their attached codes and symbols unless otherwise changed in the manufacturing matrix. If there are conflicting designations among the more restrictive zones, the less restrictive designation shall apply. The following is a list of zones starting with the most restrictive and ending with the least restrictive: residential, commercial, agricultural, manufacturing, industrial.
   B.   Definition Of Manufacturing Zone: Manufacturing, curing, compounding, processing, packaging or production and treatment of normal household appliances, commodities; consumer items and foods which do not involve heavy industrial processes. (Ord. 2013-5, 8-12-2013, eff. 8-27-2013)