A.   The Land Use Authority Administrator is hereby designated and authorized as the officer charged with the enforcement of this title. The Land Use Authority Administrator shall enforce all the provisions of this title, entering actions of the court when necessary, and his/her failure to do so shall not legalize any violations of such provisions. The County Commission may, by resolution or ordinance, from time to time entrust the administration of this title, in whole or part, to any other officer of Kane County.
   B.   It is the County's intent not to seek out or proactively find nuisances on private property. Instead, the Land Use Authority and the Zoning Administrator will generally only investigate a nuisance on private property if the County Land Use Authority Administrator or the Zoning Administrator has received a complaint from three (3) or more persons, regarding the same nuisance, all of whom live within five hundred feet (500') of the nuisance. An exception to this practice applies to: 1) nuisances on public property; or 2) nuisance on private property that the Land Use Authority Administrator or the Zoning Administrator has determined to be primarily a health or safety hazard. While this is generally the County's practice, such practice does not preclude the Land Use Authority Administrator or the Zoning Administrator from investigating a nuisance violation at his or her discretion. If there is a health, safety, or welfare issue, the violation can be mitigated immediately without the three (3) written complaints. 
(Ord. O-2017-7, 4-24-2017; amd. Ord. O-2019-4, 3-25-2019)