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Every private sewage disposal system shall be maintained in a proper sanitary condition and in a proper state of repair by the owner. It shall be unlawful for any person to permit or cause the discharge of improperly treated sewage directly or indirectly to any lake, stream, ditch, ground surface or abandoned well, or to allow the contents of any privy, vault, septic tank, or private sewage disposal system or component thereof, to emit any offensive odor, or to become objectionable so as to be dangerous or prejudicial to the health, safety and welfare of the public. Upon verification of such unsanitary conditions, the county health department shall give written notice to the owner and/or legal occupant responsible for such acts or omissions, ordering abatement of same. Failure of any person to obey such an abatement order shall constitute a violation of this chapter. (Ord. 97-327, 11-12-1997)