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11-113: LICENSES:
   A.   Licenses Required: No person or company with two (2) or more trucks shall engage in the business of collecting or hauling garbage, municipal waste, recyclables, or other refuse from sites within the County without first procuring a license to do so from the County. Such license shall be valid for one calendar year, beginning on January 1.
   B.   Application: Kane County shall prepare and make available to all haulers an application form for vehicle licenses. The application may include the following information:
      1.   Name of business operating vehicles.
      2.   Name of manager of business.
      3.   Street address, email address and telephone number of business.
      4.   Year, make, and model of each vehicle.
      5.   Type of each vehicle (e.g., dump truck, packer, pickup, etc.).
      6.   Vehicle identification number, license plate number, and fleet number for each vehicle.
      7.   Weight of each vehicle.
      8.   Capacity of each vehicle in cubic yards and tons.
      9.   Such other information as the County shall deem appropriate or necessary.
The licensee shall notify the County in writing within thirty (30) days following a change in any information contained in the license application.
   C.   License Renewal: The County shall provide license renewal forms to each hauler within sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the contractor's current license. License renewal forms shall be completed and received by the County thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the contractor's current license.
   D.   Conditional License: The County may grant a conditional license where an application is incomplete. The conditional license shall specify the conditions upon which a permanent license will be granted and the time requirement within which the conditions must be met. Failure to comply with the conditions specified shall result in a revocation of the conditional license and denial of the permanent license.
   E.   Issuance Or Denial:
      1.   The County shall have thirty (30) days from the receipt of the license or renewal application to issue or deny the license, license renewal, or conditional license. The County will issue a temporary license valid for thirty (30) days upon its failure to act upon the application within thirty (30) days.
      2.   The past history of the applicant, in terms of compliance with this article, will be considered for purposes of issuance or denial of the license. The County shall notify the applicant in writing of its decision.
      3.   A license denial shall provide written notice stating the basis for the denial and shall provide notice to the applicant that if an appeal is desired, a written request for a hearing must be received by the County within fifteen (15) calendar days following service. Upon receipt of a request for hearing, the County shall set a time and place for the hearing. The hearing shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures in section 11-116 of this article.
   F.   License And Vehicle Registration Fee:
      1.   Schedule Of Fees: The following fees shall be required:
         a.   For each license: Five hundred dollar ($500.00) base fee.
         b.   For each vehicle used in collecting or hauling garbage, municipal waste, recyclables, or other refuse: Fifty dollars ($50.00) per vehicle.
      Payment of all fees must accompany the license application/renewal.
      2.   Vehicle Registration: The County reserves the right to issue to each licensee a vehicle registration decal to be placed conspicuously on the outside of each vehicle so utilized by the contractor operating in Kane County. Such decals may be issued annually. The number of said vehicles utilized by the licensee shall be reported in the application.
   G.   Reporting: On or before January 31 of each year, each licensee shall submit a completed tonnage report form, provided by the County, based on its recycling service operations during the previous calendar year. Failure to submit such a report shall constitute a violation of this article and will result in suspension or revocation of the license. This report shall contain:
      1.   The total tonnage of municipal waste collected in the County.
      2.   The total tonnage of recyclable material collected in the County in each sector (i.e., municipal residential, unincorporated residential, multi-family residential, and commercial).
      3.   The total tonnage of landscape waste and food scrap collected for land application and/or composting.
      4.   The number of accounts held in each sector (i.e. households, multi- family dwellings, commercial establishments). (Ord. 18-224, 7-10-2018; Res. 19-346, 10-8-2019)