§ 150.001 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BLOCK. Eight graves.
   LOT. Four graves.
   LOT OWNER OR PURCHASER and GRAVE OWNER OR PURCHASER. The owner or purchaser of burial privileges or the collateral right of use of any burial lot evidenced by a deed or burial right of use of any burial lot evidenced by a deed or burial right for a described lot or by proved and recognized descent or devise from the original owner.
   OPEN AND CLOSING. To be determined by the hired contractor.
   PLOT. One grave.
   RESIDENT. Someone who lives in the town limits as a primary resident, regardless of how long, and who possess a driver’s license showing the town address or who are registered as town voters.
   SECTION. Area divided by existing roads.
(Ord. passed 1-8-1985; Res. 07-14-05A, passed 8-11-2005; Res. 04-12-12, passed 4-12-2012)