For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADVANCEMENT. A salary increase within the limits of a pay range established for a class or position.
   ABANDONMENT OF POSITION. Failure to report to work without notification or permission.
   ALLOCATION. The assignment of a single position to its proper class in accordance with the duties performed and the authority and responsibility exercised.
   ANNIVERSARY DATE. One calendar year from the date of employee’s first probationary hiring date and/or classification or reclassification period and each succeeding year thereafter.
   APPEAL. A request by an employee to a supervisor or the City Council for reconsideration of a decision or ruling on a specific problem or situation.
   APPOINTING POWER. The City Council makes all appointments to fill vacant positions.
   CALENDAR YEAR. Twelve-month period beginning January 1 and ending December 31.
   CENTRAL PERSONNEL FILE. A file maintained in the city office which contains complete personnel records of all city employees.
   CITY. The City of Joseph.
   CLASS. Positions sufficiently alike, with respect to duties, responsibilities and authorities to warrant using the same title, basic qualifications, examination and pay range.
   CLASS DESCRIPTION. A written description of a class containing the title; a statement about the nature of work indicating the duties and responsibilities; representative examples of work; and general minimum recruiting qualifications.
   COMPENSATORY TIME. Compensates the employee with paid time off in lieu of monetary payment for work performed either on overtime or on a holiday that is normally scheduled as a day off.
   CONTINUOUS SERVICE. Uninterrupted employment with the city. Reasonable absences due to military service or extended leaves approved by the City Council do not constitute a break in CONTINUOUS EMPLOYMENT.
   COUNSEL. The City of Joseph legal advisor.
   DEMOTION. A transfer of an employee from a position in one class to a position in another class which has a lower salary range and/or less authority and responsibility.
   DEPARTMENT. A functional unit or division of the city government.
   DEPARTMENT HEAD. A person directly responsible to the City Council for the administration of a department.
   DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Any action imposed upon an employee which may include a verbal, or written reprimand or warning, suspension, demotion or dismissal because of conduct detrimental to city government.
   DISMISSAL. The involuntary termination of an employee from the city service for disciplinary reasons.
   EMPLOYEE. An individual who is legally employed in an authorized position in the city service.
   EMPLOYEE STATUS. The employment status in which an employee serves as determined by the nature and classification of the position.
      (1)   FULL TIME. An employee who is hired to work an average of greater than or equal to 32 hours per week.
      (2)   PART TIME. An employee who is hired to work at least 20 hours per week, but less than 32 hours per week.
      (3)   REGULAR. A full or part-time employee who is not on probationary status.
      (4)   SEASONAL. An employee of the city has been appointed for a limited period of time not to exceed 500 hours of employment in any given calendar year and is not eligible for benefits as provided by the city.
      (5)   TEMPORARY. An employee who is hired to serve a specific period, normally not to exceed six months for a full-time temporary employee, or 1,040 hours of employment, or as specified by contract. If circumstances require, the City Council may extend the six-month period. TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES may work full time during the specified period, but are not eligible for any benefits, except those provided by federal and state law. Cost of living increases are not applicable to TEMPORARY EMPLOYEES.
   EXAMINATION. A physical, written and/or oral test for the purpose of evaluating an applicant for an employment vacancy or evaluating an employee for advancement.
   FISCAL YEAR. Twelve-month period beginning July 1 and ending June 30.
   GRIEVANCE. An allegation of a violation, misinterpretation or non-compliance with a constitutional right, or a federal, state or city statute, ordinance, resolution, rule, procedure or regulation, affecting working conditions, salary or benefits as filed by an employee.
   IMMEDIATE FAMILY. The spouse, domestic partner or children living in the employee’s household.
   LAYOFF. An involuntary termination of employment without prejudice because of organizational changes, lack of work, lack of funds or other reasons not reflecting discredit upon an employee’s performance.
   LEAVE OF ABSENCE. Time off from work for reasons within the scope and purpose of these rules and regulations upon prior approval of the employee’s supervisor or the City Council.
   MILITARY LEAVE. Leave of absence for an employee serving in the Armed Forces Reserve or National Guard.
   MONTH. One calendar month.
   NON-OCCUPATIONAL DISABILITY. Disability from an accident, injury or sickness suffered or contracted by the employee during non-assigned working hours which cannot be attributed to the performance of assigned duties.
   OCCUPATIONAL DISABILITY. Disability from an accident, injury or sickness suffered or contracted as a result of the performance of assigned duties.
   OVERTIME. Time worked in excess of 40 hours in a workweek.
   PAY RATE. A specific dollar amount expressed as an annual rate, monthly rate or hourly rate as shown in a pay schedule for the city.
   PERSONNEL ACTION. Any action taken affecting the status of an employee or position.
      (1)   EMPLOYEE ACTIONS. Appointments, compensation, promotion, demotion, transfer, separation from service or any other action affecting the status of employment.
      (2)   POSITION ACTIONS. The establishment, reclassification, relocation or abolishment of a position.
   POSITION CLASSIFICATION. Positions within the city are classified as either “exempt” or “non-exempt” from the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), 29 U.S.C. §§ 201 et seq. The following positions are designated as “exempt”: City Recorder and Working Public Works Director. All other positions are classified as “non-exempt”.
   PROBATIONARY PERIOD. A working period of six months during which an employee is required to demonstrate his or her fitness for the duties to which he or she is appointed by actual performance of the applicable duties of the position. PROBATIONARY PERIOD is followed by an oral and written review of the employee’s performance.
   PROMOTION. A change of status of an employee from a position in one class to another class, with a higher rate in pay.
   RECLASSIFICATION. A change in classification of a position by raising it to a higher class, reducing it to a lower class or changing it to another class at the same level.
   RULES. Policies, procedures, terms of employment and instructions that guide work.
   SUPERVISOR. Any person who is responsible to a higher divisional or departmental level of authority and who directs and oversees the work of others.
      (1)   ADMINISTRATIVE. Temporary separation of an employee, with pay, for an unspecified period of time to allow for investigation of matters concerning that employee.
      (2)   DISCIPLINARY. Temporary separation of an employee from city service without pay for disciplinary purpose.
   TRANSFER. A change of an employee status from one position to another position within the same class or to a position in a comparable class within the city service.
   WORKDAY. The regularly scheduled workday for full-time employees shall be eight hours unless modified by City Council written approval.
   WORKWEEK. From 12:01 a.m. on Sunday to midnight on Saturday. Employees shall be scheduled to work five workdays within a WORKWEEK unless modified with City Council written approval.
   VACANCY. An established budgeted position which is not occupied and for which funds have been appropriated. The City Council has the sole authority to authorize vacant positions to be filled.
(Res. 2010-23, passed 11-4-2010)