The following information shall be required when submitting a partitioning plan to the city for review:
   (A)   North point, scale and date;
   (B)   Names and addresses of the land owners, mortgagees, if any, the developer and the engineer or surveyor responsible for the surveying and preparation of the description for each parcel involved;
   (C)   A plan of the proposed partitioning showing parcel dimensions, bearings of all lines, area of each parcel and the names of existing and proposed streets;
   (D)   Topography, when considered necessary by the city;
   (E)   Legal description;
   (F)   A statement regarding contemplated water supply and sewage disposal for each tract; and
   (G)   Such additional information as the city deems necessary within the intent of this chapter.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed - -2009)