A subdivision plat, when ready for final approval prior to recording, shall be substantially in accord with the approved tentative plan.
   (A)   Before approval by the city, the final plat shall indicate the signatures of all persons set out in the dedication, signatures of the mortgagees, if any, the signature of the County Surveyor, the signature of the County Assessor and the seal of the registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor responsible for the laying out of the subdivision.
   (B)   All signatures must be in black ink.
   (C)   The plat shall be presented and prepared on such material as required by ORS 92.080.
   (D)   The final plat, when presented for approval thereof by the city, shall be accompanied by an exact duplicate copy.
   (E)   The city shall withhold final approval of a plat until a field check of the subdivision has been made as required by ORS 92.100.
   (F)   If the city does not approve the plat, it shall advise the subdivider of the changes or additions that must be made and shall afford the subdivider an opportunity to make corrections.
   (G)   If the city determines that the plat conforms to all requirements, as specified by this chapter, it shall give its approval; provided, supplemental documents and provisions for required improvements are satisfactory.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed - -2009)