The following information shall be shown on the tentative plan of a subdivision:
   (A)   Name of subdivision; the name of any proposed subdivision shall not be the same as or similar to any name used on a recorded plat within the county as required by ORS 92.090 and shall be approved by the Council;
   (B)   Date, north point and scale of drawing;
   (C)   An indication of the drawing as a tentative plan;
   (D)   The township, range and section in which the subdivision is located;
   (E)   Names and addresses of the owner(s), subdivider and engineer or surveyor responsible for laying out the subdivision;
   (F)   The location and dimensions of all existing or proposed streets within and adjacent to the proposed subdivision;
   (G)   The location and design of all proposed pedestrian and bicycle facilities, including accessways;
   (H)   The location and approximate dimensions of proposed lots and the proposed lot and block numbers;
   (I)   Proposed sites if any, allocated for purposes other than single-family dwellings;
   (J)   Location of existing and proposed access point(s) on both sides of the road where applicable;
   (K)   Distances to neighboring constructed access points, median openings (where applicable), traffic signals (where applicable), intersections and other transportation features on both sides of the property;
   (L)   Number and direction of lanes to be constructed on the driveway, plus striping plans;
   (M)   All planned transportation features (such as walkways, bikeways, auxiliary lanes, signals and the like);
   (N)   Parking and internal circulation plans, including walkways and bikeways;
   (O)   A detailed description of any requested variance and the reason the variance is requested;
   (P)   The location and design of bicycle parking facilities shall be indicated on the site plan. The development shall include the number and type of bicycle parking facilities required in Ch. 156 of this code of ordinances;
   (Q)   The location and approximate dimensions of proposed lots and the proposed lot and block numbers;
   (R)   Proposed sites if any, allocated for purposes other than single-family dwellings;
   (S)   Existing uses and significant natural features of the property and locations of existing structures to remain on the property after platting;
   (T)   All parcels of land intended to be dedicated for public use or reserved in the deeds for the use of all property owners in the proposed subdivision or partition, together with the purpose of conditions or limitations of such reservation, if any;
   (U)   Location of any significant drainage ways or easements in or adjacent to the proposed subdivision; and
   (V)   Contour lines related to some established bench work or other datum approved by the city.
(Ord. 2009-01, passed - -2009)