For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ANNEXATION. Annexation of contiguous territory as covered in ORS 222.111 through 222.183.
   CITY. The City of Joseph, Oregon.
   CITY OF JOSEPH LAND USE PLAN. The fundamental land planning document for the city, adopted, revised and amended by the City Council.
   COUNCIL. The Common Council of the city.
   JOINT MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT. An agreement between the city and the county for the purpose of facilitating mutual cooperation in the adoption of the city’s urban growth boundary and administration of the city’s urban growth area.
   URBAN GROWTH AREA. Those unincorporated lands within the recognized city urban growth boundary.
   URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY. Both incorporated and unincorporated lands needed to support the growth and development of the city, as recorded in the county’s Comprehensive Land Use Plan and associated maps.
(Ord. 2002-02, passed 9-3-2002)