(A)   (1)   Excavate, remove all vegetation, scarify to minimum depth of 12 inches and compact the sub-grade to a non-yielding condition.
      (2)   A visual inspection by the city will need to be performed prior to completing additional work; this inspection includes the witnessing of moving load deflection test that is performed by the contractor.
      (3)   In saturated sub-grade areas or other areas where the soil type is generally top soil or silt (without native cobbles or gravel), a geotextile fabric may need to be installed before placing the aggregate base rock. Use Mirafi HP270 or Mirafi 600x or approved equal geotextile fabric.
   (B)   (1)   Eight inches of compacted one and one-half inches minus dense graded aggregate base rock.
      (2)   A five-gallon sample of one and one-half inch base rock shall be delivered to the city for visual inspection and rejection/approval prior to the installation of the base rock.
      (3)   If the rock installed differs from the rock in the five-gallon sample, the city may request the installed rock be removed and replaced at the sole expense of the contractor.
   (C)   (1)   Four inches of compacted three-fourths inch minus dense graded aggregate gravel base.
      (2)   A five-gallon of three-fourths inch gravel base shall be delivered to the city for visual inspection and rejection/approval prior to the installation of the base rock.
      (3)   If the rock installed differs from the rock in the five-gallon sample, the city may request the installed rock be removed and replaced at the sole expense of the contractor.
   (D)   (1)   Four inches of one-half inch dense minor hot mix asphalt (MHMAC) meeting ODOT Standard Specification § 00744.
      (2)   Install in two lifts of two inches each (a base course and the wearing surface).
      (3)   The contractor shall hire a testing company to provide compaction tests for the asphalt during installation.
      (4)   Minimum compaction shall be 91% for the base course and 92% for the wearing course.
      (5)   The contractor shall deliver test results within 24 hours of placing the asphalt.
      (6)   Asphalt failing the compaction test may be requested to be removed and replaced at the sole expense of the contractor.
   (E)   Slope and crown to be determined by the geography of the existing street or terrain.
   (F)   Minimum roadway surface shall be 24 feet (two 12-foot travel lanes) with a two-foot gravel shoulder on each side (28 feet total width). Additional width may be needed for parallel parking, diagonal parking, bike lanes or paths depending on the location of the roadway.
   (G)   (1)   Sidewalks may be necessary to install as determined by city staff. Sidewalks shall be a minimum of five-foot wide and include ADA ramps (including truncated domes) at side street intersections.
      (2)   ADA considerations shall be made where the sidewalk crosses a driveway in order to maintain a minimum of 36 inches wide accessible route across the driveway.
(Res. 2012-05, passed 3-1-2012)