(A)   Council members must keep in complete confidence all written material and verbal information provided to them on matters that are confidential under law, to ensure that the city’s position is not compromised. No mention of information read or heard which is confidential under law should be made to anyone other than other Council members, the senior city staff or attorney and then only on a “need to know” basis.
   (B)   If the Council, in executive session, provides opinions or information to staff on proposed terms and conditions for any type of negotiation whether it be related to property acquisition or disposal, a proposed, pending or likely claim or litigation and/or employee negotiations, all contact with the other parties shall be made by the designated staff representative handling the negotiations or litigation.
   (C)   All public statements, information or press releases on confidential matters shall be handled by the designated staff or Council spokesperson.
   (D)   The disposition of public records created or received by Council members shall be in accordance with state’s Public Records Law. Written information incidental to the official duties of a Council member, including electronic mail, messages, notes, memos and calendars (e.g., “daytimers”) are public records and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Law.
(Ord. 2007-01, passed 4-5-2007)