§ 92.22  PERMITS.
   (A)   No person shall maintain wild animals or domestic livestock, other than those authorized without permit by § 92.18 of this chapter, without first obtaining a permit from the City Council. Upon receipt of an application, the City Recorder shall notify all adjacent landowners by first class mail not less than seven days prior to hearing of said application by the Council.
   (B)   No person shall, maintain domestic livestock permitted by § 92.18 of this chapter violating the fencing, enclosure, area and numerical restrictions specified in § 92.18 of this chapter without obtaining a permit from the City Council.
   (C)   (1)   The City Council shall deny a permit application if the domestic livestock or wild animals cannot be kept as humanely, and with no greater impact, due to odor, noise or unsightly conditions, as domestic livestock kept in the numbers and pursuant to the restriction of § 92.18 of this chapter.
      (2)   No permit shall be issued if keeping the animals within the city would endanger the public health and safety.
   (D)   The Council may authorize keeping of animals in number greater or areas smaller than that specified in § 92.18 of this chapter agreed provisions for keeping the animals are appropriate meet the standards specified in this section protect the public peace, health, safety, Council may impose conditions appropriate public peace, health, safety and welfare the purposes of this subchapter, including the following:
      (1)   Minimum area for such animals;
      (2)   Fencing standards or provisions;
      (3)   Shelter provision, if appropriate; or
      (4)   Limitation upon the number of days which such animals may be kept.
(Ord. 95-05, passed 9-5-1995)