(A)   If a hearing is requested, the city official shall establish a place, date and time for the hearing. The hearing will be held if the violation is not abated before the date of the hearing.
   (B)   Notice of such hearing shall include the following:
      (1)   The order described in § 91.21 of this chapter shall be included as part of the notice of hearing. Notice shall be given by personal service, posting or publication in a manner most likely to notify the person of the proceeding. Such notice shall contain a short plain statement of the subject matter of the proceeding, the matter asserted, an explanation of how more detailed information about the proceeding may be obtained and the time and place the hearing will take place; and
      (2)   Such notice shall be served upon the owner of the land that is the source of the violation and any persons lawfully occupying that land during the time of the violation if known.
   (C)   At the hearing, the City Council shall determine the person responsible, for the violation and shall order that person to abate the violation with a time fixed by the Council, which time shall be not less than ten days.
(Ord. 84-3, passed 9-11-1984)